Research Themes


Rare cell variability in gene expression

We combine high-throughput imaging with single-molecule RNA FISH to find rare cells in divergent gene expression states. We are interested in how these gene expression states drive cell behaviors and how to manipulate these states to treat disease.


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De novo identification of heritable gene expression states

We recently developed a new method called MemorySeq to find gene expression states that are heritable through cell division. We believe that these expression states are associated with important phenotypes for single-cells.

Rare cells underlying resistance to different drug treatments

We are interested in how resistance develops to different classes of drugs and stressful environments. We are using a systems biology approach with cellular barcoding and sequencing to uncover the transcriptional states of rare cells that underly resistance in different conditions.

Cellular plasticity in metaplasia

We are using high-throughput single-cell sequencing and imaging techniques to study cellular plasticity in the context of metaplasia, specifically in Barrett’s esophagus. We are combining primary tissue samples with organoids to address questions about the development of Barrett’s esophagus, the stability of cell types, and the progression to cancer.